Iron Cross In Craps

The Iron Cross goes a step further, though. This craps system involves more than just a bet in the field area; it also involves making a place bet on the 5, 6 and 8. This covers every combination on the dice except 7, since the field wins on 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12. Seems like that should be an easy winner, right? Finally, the Iron Man script is here for all you fans of the Robert Downey Jr. Comic book movie. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue.

Howdy!! I'm new here and am very impressed with this site.
Not sure if the Iron Cross is considered a system, but if it is, please feel free to move it over to the Betting Systems board. Since it is a method of betting in craps, I'm posting my question here.
I'm usually a PL bettor, and only occasionally bet DP. When I am betting PL, I usually put out a Any Crap/Crap Check bet on the come out roll to hedge my PL bet. I do the same thing to any CL bets I make. I know it is a sucker bet, but I prefer to think of it as winning $4 rather than losing $1 if a number comes up, and I don't mind collecting the $2 on a win. Since I often throw craps a lot when I shoot, this is good protection for me.
Once the point has been established and I take my free odds, I usually bet the Iron Cross (Field, 5, 6,8). I find this is a fun, if lazy, way to play because I'm collecting money on every single roll as long as the dreaded seven doesn't make an appearance. The only problem with this bet is when someone does a PSO, because then I lose everything.
I try to watch people at the table for a while, and get an idea of who tries to shoot the dice the same way every single time, and who just slings it down there. I also am one of those people who watches for something to happen three times, and then decide if it will happen again. I've noticed through totally unscientific observations and anecdotal evidence that most people can't make it three rolls past the come out without sevening out. So, if they make three rolls past the come out roll, it is time to decide if I want to put the money on the Iron Cross or not.
The good thing about the Iron Cross is if someone hits the Field hard, especially 2 or 12, you can get back to even quickly, and begin making money. The only bad thing about it is if someone continually hits 6 or 8, you're only scratching out a $2 or $4 or $8 win every roll.
I don't notice a lot of people playing the Iron Cross. Is it that people don't know about the bet, or that the odds of getting even on that bet are so bad, people just avoid taking the chance?
The Iron Cross has a big house advantage and thus is a bad bet. Those that do know about the bet quickly learn it is not a good way to play this game. It sounds like a good bet at first glance, but in reality it does not do well.

I don't notice a lot of people playing the Iron Cross. Is it that people don't know about the bet, or that the odds of getting even on that bet are so bad, people just avoid taking the chance?

And you won't.
It was popular in the 70s, the Mensa people back then said two thumbs up to the method.
Problem is, the very high house edge is hard to overcome the longer one plays.
A main reason is about 28% of ALL shooters end their hand with a PSO.
(1 in 9 shooters 7out on average on the second roll)
They may have had winners up to going out,
but the IC bettors always get their money on the table after every point is established.
28 out of 100, on average, is a very big number for losing because it could even be much higher

Golden Arm Craps Tournament 2020


A main reason is about 28% of ALL shooters end their hand with a PSO.

Old enough to repaint. Young enough to sell.

Not sure if the Iron Cross is considered a system, but if it is, please feel free to move it over to the Betting Systems board. Since it is a method of betting in craps, I'm posting my question here.
I don't notice a lot of people playing the Iron Cross. Is it that people don't know about the bet, or that the odds of getting even on that bet are so bad, people just avoid taking the chance?

Iron cross in crapsFor most intents and purposes, a 'system' (derogatory term around here) is if you honestly think you're beating the house edge. If you don't think this, then welcome to the forum. What you have here is a strategy, which pretty much every 'career' craps player has.

Iron Cross In Craps

PlayIf you can get rid of the 5 place bet and go with a come bet with 2x odds, it's not -that- bad of a strategy. We all have our quirks, mine is pressing way too hard and fast.
Its - Possessive; It's - 'It is' / 'It has'; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - 'They are'
Yes, I would agree that it is more 'strategy' than the much-dreaded 'system', but in reality the issue is that it is a hedge and thus erodes your profits when you win. There are alot of numbers in the field but what is use of betting on them when 5, 6, 7, 8 are all losers.
Those c's and e's are a real problem... they mount up. You've made a bet but are trying to cushion yourself from a loss... make the bet and take your chance, don't try to hedge.

For most intents and purposes, a 'system' (derogatory term around here) is if you honestly think you're beating the house edge. If you don't think this, then welcome to the forum. What you have here is a strategy, which pretty much every 'career' craps player has.
If you can get rid of the 5 place bet and go with a come bet with 2x odds, it's not -that- bad of a strategy. We all have our quirks, mine is pressing way too hard and fast.

There is no magic way to beat the casino. If there was, someone would have found it by now, and they wouldn't be able to afford to build the palaces they do, because they'd be broke.
The best time time deploy this strategy is when someone establishes 5, 6, or 8 as the point. Makes it a little cheaper to play it.
When I am not shooting, I usually bet the IC, and then if the shooter has a long roll going and has made me money, I begin to make some come bets. Often these come bets with end up being on 5, 6, or 8. If the shooter hits a come bet, I then take the winnings, replace the place bet, and make another come bet. If the shooter hits the point, then I become a pass line bettor. I look at it as an easy way to take advantage of a hot roll.
I think the most difficult roll in craps is the second roll, after the point has been established. Make it past that, and you can breathe a little easier.

I think the most difficult roll in craps is the second roll, after the point has been established. Make it past that, and you can breathe a little easier.

Truer words have never been spoken/written!
Craps is the most 'Jekyll and Hyde' casino game ever invented!
I've heard there are some casinos, not sure where, where they pay triple on BOTH 2 and 12. This would be the best place to employ, since the field action is 'free' so to speak. This might also have been just a promotional thing.
Indeed the crap cheques add up in a hurry. That's the one dumb bet that I'll still make. My rationale is this: I want to bet specifically $20/shooter, but if there's a come-out loser, or worse, a few, then I can't bet specifically $20/shooter for 10 shooters necessarily. If other bets won, then I could, but if several shooters rolled just two come-out losers and NO winners, then I might be screwed.
If you just want to enjoy yourself and need a way to bet AND believe in 'this player will have a long roll' place an Iron Cross. The IC works if there is a long roll and the field numbers hit hard during it. When I do the parties I teach the 'modified iron corss' where you:

Iron Cross In Craps Video

1. Wait for a point of 5/6/8
2. Take 1 unit of full odds behind the PL
3. Place 2 units plus proper whites on the remaining 5/6/8
4. Bet one unit on the field

Iron Cross Bet In Craps

This way you get a net unit plus back on every non-7 roll. From a house-edge prespective it is not good. But what it does for me is give the players some activity as newbies get bored on long rolls. Many leave fast, especially women, because, 'This game is hard and boring!'
For action-junkies, it works. If you get a roll of >7 throws you are in the black.
All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others